Cronología poética:

martes, 3 de junio de 2014

Poema, by tete

Era a luz, 
que lo invadía todo.
Era esa lluvia,  
como manos que acarician.
Era el olor,  
de algo nuevo y desconocido.

Corremos hacia el dolor 
y huimos de la felicidad, 
tan cerca de ti,
que no la puedes ver.

Era esa tarde, 
que podía pasar cualquier cosa.
Era el ritual,  
la ceremonia perfecta, 
el cambio,..

Y un día despertaras, 
del mundo de los dormidos 
y veras la luz,
toda la luz 
que te pertenece.

Antonio Alvarez de Garmendia.
19:30 horas. 
El Mundo.

It was a light, 
that pervaded everything.
It was the rain, 
such as hands which caress.
It was the smell, 
from something 
new and unknown.

We run towards pain
and we run from happiness,
how near you are, 
that you can not see.

It was that afternoon, 
he could go either way.
It was the ritual, 
the perfect ceremony,
the change ..

And a day you woke up,
of the world of the sleeping
and you will see the light,
all the light
that all is of yours.

Antonio Alvarez de Garmendia.
19:30 (+1 GMT)

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